Yes. You must be a registered user to create listings.
Featured Listings are complimentary for Gaudiosa Grand Underwriters, Blue and White Underwriters, and Platinum Patrons. For all others, a Featured Listing is $500 per year.
Basic listings are complimentary for Gold, and Silver Patrons. For all others, a Basic Listing is $250 per year.
Choose the category that best fits your business.
A Featured Listing is $500 per year.
A Basic Listing is $250 per year.
Gaudiosa Grand Underwriters, Blue and White Underwriters, and Platinum Patrons receive a complimentary Featured Listing.*
Gaudiosa Gold and Silver Patrons receive a complimentary Basic Listing.*
*Please contact Mary Rouge at for the coupon code.
Listings run for one year.
See Privacy Policy for details.
No. You can browse and search ads without registering. You should still register, to save time, as the site will remember various preferences for you. If you want to create ads, you will need to register. Registration is FREE.